Six Months of Everly

My little girl is half of a year old. Seriously? How did that happen? I feel like I blinked and six months went by. I tear up thinking about how hard I try to enjoy every single second with her, but the days go by so quickly and she is growing before my eyes. 1619168_659136315653_1124842323_n

At six months, Everly is:

– Eating rice cereal, not really enjoying it, but she tolerates it. We also tried carrots, and she was not a fan. She gagged her way through it and I eventually gave up after a few bites (same story today). She definitely isn’t as easy to feed as Maxton was. I watched a video of Maxton at 6 months eating carrots, and he was more than interested. 1557543_659169304543_482106994_n

– I am going to skip over her sleeping habits because I am too TIRED to get into that. Naps are decent. If we are out and about and come home, she usually stays asleep for a while in the car seat. She is much better in the car than Maxton was; and 98% of the time she falls asleep, even on a short trip. Total opposite from Maxton.

– She doesn’t roll much. She has rolled tummy to back twice, otherwise she will just hang out on her back, and roll to her side. I think her thighs are too chunky to complete the roll…

– She loves her jumperoo and jolly jumper and when she isn’t in one of those, her legs are still jumping

– She still sticks out her little tongue while smiling, and has been chewing her fingers like CRAZY – teething

– She loves to watch her little brother and reaches out for his face all the time. “No baby Ezovey.” – is Maxton’s response.

-She’s still not a fan of tummy-time, but she will get up on her knees, even if her face is flat on the floor

– She still loves the lights that are on a dimmer over my vanity in the bedroom. – She loves to squawk/talk, “ra-ra” and has just started saying “mum/mama” while she is fussing/crying

– We are working on sitting up while playing, Maxton thinks it’s funny when she is down at his level

– Next week is her six-month check-up, so we will see what she weighs and how long she is!    DSC_0005DSC_0009DSC_0012DSC_0017


Happy 6 Months, Everly!

Five Months of Everly (Belated)

On December 30, Everly turned five months.

It’s hard to believe she has been outside of my belly for five whole months!!!

December was a busy month with the holidays, which seemed to make time go by even faster.

Without further ado…

At five months:

– Everly is still hating tummy time. I can’t say it enough. She absolutely hates it. Flip her onto her back and she is happy as a clam

– She still likes to be rocked to sleep occasionally – and still likes to watch the dim-lit lights over my bedroom vanity

– She is a total chunky monkey! (I forgot to mention in her four month update that at her four-month doctor’s appointment she weighed 17.5lbs and was almost 27 inches! 90th percentile.)

– She loves her dolly, her stuffed Minnie Mouse she got in her stocking for Christmas, and the VTech bear: Cora. She goes CRAZY when she sees it.

– She is starting to pay a lot of attention to Maxton, and will even smile when he does something funny (he really appreciates this and will say “she’s laughin” or  “she’s lookin at you” (which is what we say to him). I love watching them interact with each other.

– Her sleeping has gone down hill. So long 6+ hour stretches. She is up 2-3 times a night, more often 3. I am lucky to get four hours out of her now. I am hoping she figures out sleeping soon because I really DO NOT want to have to do sleep training again. She is also likes to wake within 35 minutes of going down, and then fighting me after. Apparently she thinks it should just be a late evening cat-nap. She also used to sleep until 9-9:30, which is no more like 6:30-7:30. Bluh.  That being said, she needs a nap after 1.5 hours of being up. Don’t we all?

– She loves the car. She falls asleep even if she isn’t that tired, it seems. So different from Maxton in that regard. (PLEASE don’t let me have jinxed this.)

– She is easy to run errands with – as long as she is fed and changed, she is happy to go along. (Again, I hope I didn’t jinx it.)

– She still smiles with her tongue out – all the time. It’s one of my favourite things about her.

– She loves to give her Dada smiles, but if Mama isn’t around, she isn’t so nice…

– She loves to chew/suck on her fingers, especially her pointer finger. There is always more than enough drool that comes along with that.

– She loves to put toys in her mouth and hang out in her jumperoo. The jolly jumper is always fun too!DSC_1002DSC_0995DSC_0994DSC_0990

Happy 5 Months, Everly!

Four Months of Everly (Belated)

On November 30, Everly turned four months.

– She still HATES tummy time. She is so dramatic about it – she will put her face flat down on the floor and whine and complain. Little diva.

– She is still sleeping pretty good – she is a fan of 35 min naps, unless she is in her car seat after an outing

– 95% of her smiling involves sticking her tongue out at the same time – so

– She loves to be on her play mat

– She has started “squawking”. This girl has a lot to say!

– She rolled over from her tummy to her back for the first time on November 29, she looked stunned. Ha-ha.

– She loves to hold and chew on her toys; especially her dolly

– She is starting to pay more attention to her big brother


DSC_0716DSC_0725DSC_0724DSC_0726DSC_0727DSC_0736Happy 4 Months, baby girl!

New Year/Polar Vortex

Merry Christmas (Ukrainian Christmas is today!) and Happy New Year, friends!

It has been almost TWO MONTHS since I last blogged.

I have been so busy with my kids, my business and the holidays. I have so many things to share with you, and really have to make the time to do so!

I missed Everly’s four-month post, and now I have her five-month one to share (I’m so embarrassed I am this behind – I can’t believe she is five months!)!

Life is beyond busy these days and I will fill you in on all of it in the coming weeks.

Until then, you will find me hiding beneath layers of warm clothes and sipping warm beverages all day. Brrr.
